Personal computers are primarily allowing users to use it during a single working session. The computer is intended for one user for personal use. Any personal computer used by a specific person as a personal device also can be conditionally attributed to the PC.
Laptops has the abilities to operates autonomously and can be easily transported, that is possible due to build-in battery, as other types of portable computers. In addition, the main difference between personal computers and laptops is the presence of combined components like keyboard, display in one case. Foldable ability makes them even more compact
All in one (AiO) PC – is a combination of multiple devices in one body, to reduce space occupied, ease of assembly, and aesthetics appearance. The AiO is a desktop computer without a visible system unit. The main frame for such of computers is a unibody with a monitor. All components are placed behind the display, which creates aesthetic to work at the computer.
Thin clients are a devices (terminals) that do not have their own processing power, connected to a shared server and are able to display information. They are diskless, compact personal computers (diskless thin clients) that connect to peripherals such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, speaker systems, etc.
Thin client with a terminal server is connected through a local network or a dial-up connection (modem). The server has preinstalled applications that you may need at work. It also stores data and performs all calculations.