Code of corporate ethics «INSIGHT SOLUTIONS» LLC


1.1. The Code of Corporate Ethics (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”) is a set of general principles, norms, and rules of professional ethics and internal corporate conduct that all employees of LLC “Insight Solutions” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) must follow, regardless of their position.

1.2. The provisions of the Code must be adhered to by the Company’s employees not only during working hours but also during off-duty activities that affect the interests of the Company, or if the employees of the Company are perceived by third parties as representatives of the Company.

1.3. The Code is an internal document of the Company and defines the basic norms and rules of individual and collective behavior. The Company’s employees, as well as members of its governing body, must take all necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the Code.

1.4. The Code aims to:

  • Achieve the strategic goals of the Company;
  • Foster a unified positive behavioral attitude and corporate spirit within the Company;
  • Strengthen the Company’s reputation among partners, counterparties, investors, and other interested parties;
  • Develop open and trusting relationships with the government, organizations, and citizens;
  • Improve the effectiveness of employees in fulfilling their job responsibilities;
  • Preserve and enhance the Company’s technological potential and profit.

1.5. The Code is designed to achieve the Company’s mission and strategic objectives.

1.6. The Code has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Company’s local regulatory acts, as well as the following international and legal instruments:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights dated December 10, 1948;
  • The Constitution of Uzbekistan dated April 30, 2023;
  • The Labor Code of Uzbekistan.
  • The Law of Uzbekistan “On anti-corruption” No. ZRU-419 dated January 3, 2017;
  • The Law of Uzbekistan “On combating the legalization of criminally obtained income, financing terrorism, and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction” No. 660-II dated August 26, 2004;
  • The Law of Uzbekistan “On Labor Protection” No. 839-XII dated May 6, 1993;
  • The Law of Uzbekistan “On Environmental Protection” No. 754-XII dated December 9, 1992.


2.1. Company – LLC “Insight Solutions”;

2.2. Employee – an individual who has entered into an employment contract or a civil contract for the provision of services with the Company;

2.3. Partner – one of the following legal entities:

  • A client of the Company who has entered into a contract with the Company for the supply of goods and/or provision of services or who intends to enter into such a contract with the Company;
  • A contractor and/or supplier or any other enterprise/individual who has contractual relations with the Company or who intends to enter into a contract with the Company;

2.4. Employee of the Partner – an individual who has entered into an employment contract or a civil law contract for the provision of services with the Partner;

2.5. PA – a public authority and/or its employees;

2.6. Enterprise – a company of any organizational and legal form and ownership type and/or its employees.


3.1. The mission of the Company is to provide the best service and assist clients in implementing innovative IT solutions through the continuous development of Employee competencies.

3.2. The goal of the Company is to contribute to the successful technological development of the Republic of Uzbekistan by integrating modern technologies into societal life.

3.3. The vision of the Company is to unite a team of professionals capable of solving any technological challenges faced by clients with the highest level of service and to become the largest IT integrator in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


4.1. The Company is guided by the following corporate values and does not deviate from them for the sake of profit:

  • 4.1.2. Team. A friendly and cohesive team of like-minded individuals pursuing a common goal and adhering to corporate values to accomplish set tasks and achieve personal milestones;
  • 4.1.3. Responsibility. The Company strives to fulfill its commitments fully and on time, according to the terms agreed upon with partners;
  • 4.1.4. Professionalism. The Company aims to develop the professional qualities of each Employee, considering the latest technological trends, to provide relevant services and offer the best solutions in the field of information technology;
  • 4.1.5. Integrity and Legality. When performing tasks, the Company strives to be open, honest, and transparent, as well as to comply with all legal regulations concerning its activities;
  • 4.1.6. Proactivity. The Company is focused on achieving successful results and makes every effort to attain its goals.

4.2. The Company strives to ensure the maximum reliability and uninterrupted operation of the goods and services (work) it provides, by implementing a comprehensive range of necessary organizational and technical measures to guarantee the reliable and safe operation of its Partners’ facilities.

4.3. The Company values every employee, regardless of gender, age, skin color, nationality, or position. Therefore, all Employees are given equal opportunities for successful and effective work, professional development, and career growth. The Company is guided by principles of honesty and objectivity in forming its staffing (including managerial) structure. Employees are appointed or promoted to higher positions solely based on professional qualities. The Company continuously improves the qualifications of its Employees and takes all necessary actions to meet national and international standards.

4.4. The Company takes all necessary actions to fulfill its obligations to Partners and therefore strives for continuous profitability improvement.

4.5. The Company conducts its activities in accordance with international agreements, the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Company’s internal regulations.


5.1. The principles of employee conduct at the Company include:

  • 5.1.2. Quality and Professionalism. The Company and its Employees strive for the highest quality in their work and maintain high professional standards. Employees do not tolerate incompetence or irresponsible performance of their duties;
  • 5.1.3. Conflict of Interest. Employees avoid situations where a conflict of interest might arise, and if such a conflict occurs, they act in accordance with this Code and the Company’s internal regulations;
  • 5.1.4. Compliance with Laws. The Company and its Employees always adhere to laws and regulations in every country where the Company and/or its branch/representative office/territorial unit operates;
  • 5.1.5. Responsibility. Employees are accountable for their actions and strive for continuous improvement in their work;
  • 5.1.6. Cooperation and Teamwork. Employees value collaboration and support teamwork to achieve common goals;
  • 5.1.7. Honesty and Integrity. Employees perform their duties with honesty and integrity. Manipulation, deceit, theft, or any other unprofessional behavior is not tolerated;
  • 5.1.8. Confidentiality. Employees strictly maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from Partners and within the Company. Disclosure of confidential information without proper authorization from the Company/Partners is not permitted;
  • 5.1.9. Respect and Dignity. Employees respect diversity and inclusivity and treat everyone with respect, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, or other characteristics. Discrimination, harassment, or any inappropriate behavior is not allowed;
  • 5.1.10. Environmental Responsibility. Employees adhere to principles of environmental sustainability and strive to minimize negative impacts on the environment.

5.2. Employees of the Company are expected to perform their duties with the utmost responsibility, avoiding negligence. Each Employee is personally accountable for their actions and decisions and may not shift their responsibility onto other Employees. Each Employee must use the Company’s resources efficiently, carefully, and solely for work purposes.

5.3. Interaction with Partners is based on long-term cooperation. Abuse of a dominant position or unfair competition is not permissible in dealings with the Company.

5.4. Managerial decisions and actions by Employees should aim to maintain a positive image of the Company and prevent situations where their actions could negatively impact the Company’s business reputation.

5.5. Employees must protect any confidential information (including trade secrets and insider information) whose loss (leakage) could harm the Company, considering legal requirements for information disclosure. Violations of trade secret regulations are subject to legal responsibility according to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Company’s internal regulations.

5.6. Employees should cooperate based on mutual respect, with attention to privacy rights and human dignity. Respectful relationships towards each other, the Company’s values and traditions, and its Partners help create an open, fair, and tolerant working atmosphere.

5.7. Disciplinary and ethical violations that threaten the reliability and safety of work are unacceptable at the Company, including:

  • Unapproved decisions that undermine the interests of the Company and/or other employees;
  • Systematic failure and/or poor performance of job duties;
  • Disclosure of confidential, insider, or trade secret information about the Company;
  • Being on the premises under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or toxic substances;
  • Neglect or deliberate failure to follow occupational safety requirements;
  • Any form of discrimination against employees and disrespectful behavior towards colleagues, Partners, or competitors of the Company.

5.8. Employees of the Company must adhere to a strategy of zero tolerance for corruption, commercial bribery, abuse of power, anti-competitive behavior, fraud, and other forms of misconduct in any of their manifestations.


6.1. Employees are not permitted to have any financial or other relationships with any Employee of a Partner during any transaction between the Partner and the Company. If an Employee is in a family relationship with an Employee of a Partner, or if the Employee has any other type of relationship with an Employee of a Partner that could represent a conflict of interest, the Employee must notify their immediate supervisor of such circumstances.

6.2. Employees must not accept any gifts, travel expenses, meals, entertainment, or any material/immaterial benefits from Partners in any situation where it could directly or indirectly influence the decisions of any Employee regarding the Partner.

6.3. Employees must not engage in any form of commercial bribery or otherwise incentivize any Employee of the Partner, their family, or friends to enter into a transaction with the Partner. Employees must comply with the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In relation to any transaction, Employees must not transfer anything of value, directly or indirectly, to any Government official, enterprise, or individual.

6.4. The restrictions on accepting gifts established by the Code do not apply to the following cases:

  • Receiving corporate souvenir products (pens, notepads, diaries, etc.) from contractors and clients of the Company;
  • Receiving a gift during an official or other event (conference, round table), where identical gifts are given to all participants, regardless of their organizational affiliation.

6.5. Any unauthorized gifts must be declined by Employees.

6.6. If there are doubts regarding the acceptability of a gift or other issues related to the handling of gifts, the Employee should seek clarification from the Company’s management.

6.7. Employees of the Company are required to inform their superiors about all instances of receiving business gifts related to their position or in connection with the performance of their work duties.


7.1. Management is obligated to ensure the safest possible working conditions for its employees. All employees must strictly adhere to safety rules:

  • Comply with safety norms and occupational health requirements;
  • Insist on the unconditional adherence of colleagues and subordinates to safety norms and occupational health requirements.

7.2. If a situation arises that poses a threat to the health or life of an employee, they must immediately notify Company’s director, which, upon confirmation by supervisory and regulatory bodies, must suspend work and take measures to eliminate the threat.

7.3. Employees have the right to request, and Management is obligated to provide, information about the state of working conditions and occupational safety at their workplaces.

7.4. Company’s director shall implement modern safety measures and ensure sanitary and hygienic working conditions to prevent occupational injuries and professional illnesses.


8.1. When selecting Partners, the Company pays attention to their level of environmental health, safety, and protection.

8.2. To achieve environmental protection goals in its business activities, the Company adheres to the following principles:

  • Preserving the sustainability of the biosphere and its ecological systems as habitats for humans, and ensuring ecological safety for people, human gene pool, and future generations;
  • Ensuring citizens’ rights to a favorable natural environment for life and the mandatory inclusion of environmental education in all types of educational institutions;
  • Scientifically-based balance of environmental, economic, and social interests of society;
  • Charging for special environmental use and providing free general natural resource use;
  • Mandatory environmental impact assessment;
  • Encouraging rational natural resource use and environmental protection;
  • Necessity for the reproduction of natural resources, avoiding harmful and irreversible consequences for the natural environment and human health;
  • Transparency in addressing environmental protection issues;
  • Balancing national, regional, and international interests in the field of environmental protection;
  • Responsibility for violations of environmental protection legislation.


9.1. The Company shall take all necessary measures to prevent any forms of corruption and requires Partners to adhere to these same principles. Employees of the Company must report any attempts to induce them to commit corrupt acts.

9.2. The Company continually works to enhance the effectiveness of its anti-corruption compliance system:

  • The Company does not tolerate any forms of illegal influence on decisions made by government officials, enterprises, or individuals, including bribery, offering unacceptable gifts, employing relatives, or providing charitable or sponsorship assistance in response to requests from government officials;
  • Employees must not offer, promise, authorize, or provide illegal remuneration in any form to any official, individual performing managerial functions in a commercial or other organization, foreign official, or official of a public international organization, on behalf of or in the interest of the Company;
  • Employees must not solicit or accept illegal remuneration in any form from any organization, individual, or official.


10.1. This Code shall come into force on the date of its approval by the Director and is mandatory for all Employees.

10.2. All other conditions not specified in this Code shall be governed by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the internal regulations of the Company.

10.3. Amendments to this Code may be made by order of the Director, and such amendments shall take effect upon their approval.